Is the World Ready for Two Quicksilvers?

After appearing in ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past‘, another version of Quicksilver is set to star alongside Hulk and Iron Man in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron‘. But can we handle it?

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Days of Future Past writer Simon Kinberg explains why he thinks it’s okay to have two different versions of the same character.

Evan-Peters-Quicksilver-e1396966262937Evan Peters is the X Men Quicksilver!

“I’m sure they’ll do a good job with it,” he said about Marvel’s Quicksilver. “Part of the fun of this world we live in where there are multiple superhero franchises and now multiple version of the same character, it’s a little like classic repertory theatre, where you get to see different actors do interpretations of the same character.”

“Macbeth is an interesting one because all four of our main actors – McAvoy, Fassbender, Ian, Patrick – have done famous productions of Macbeth. If the world can handle that, it can definitely handle two Quicksilvers.”

But is this the case? Personally I think the comparison with Macbeth is a little off. After all, hundreds of actors have been playing the same Shakespearean roles for hundreds of years. But in the context of superhero movies, it very rarely happens. Of course, there’s nothing new when it comes to recasting an iconic role, just look at the likes of Batman and Superman, who have seen a number of actors portraying the roles over the years.

The-Avengers-2-Age-of-Ultron-Quicksilver-Concept-ArtConcept art for Marvel’s take on Quicksilver

But the Quicksilver problem is a little different. After all, with Quicksilver set to appear in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’, we’re going to have the same character portrayed by different actors during the same time frame. And with the overwhelmingly positive response to Evan Peters in ‘Days of Future Past’ it looks as though Marvel has its work cut out.

“In my first draft of the script, that character was actually young Juggernaut,” Kinberg explained. “One of the first things [director] Bryan Singer said about the script was we needed a different character, because he felt like Juggernaut’s powers had visually been fully explored in X3.”

“Quicksilver was really Bryan’s idea, and he had this very clear sense of the tone of the character, who he wanted to play the character and how we would shoot that kitchen scene.”

days-of-future-past-quicksilverYou need to see this scene!

Of course, for those who’ve seen ‘Days of Future Past’ (if you have not yet… shame on you), the ‘kitchen scene’ is one of the standout moments of the entire film and by balancing Quicksilver’s powers with some hilarious moments, he’s going to be a difficult one to top.

“Bryan had high-speed photography that he found on the Internet that he showed us. We did a lot of tests of how it was going to work. That Quicksilver character is one of the many things Bryan brought to the movie.”

Quite how Marvel’s version of Quicksilver is going to work remains to be seen and while production stills have appeared online depicting Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the role, it looks as though we’ll have to wait until ‘Age of Ultron’ is released to get a better idea of how his powers will work on screen. From the photos all I can say is his costume is already better than the one in Days of Future Past.

syvg5lsjtllv4wfrxicqAaron Taylor – Johnson on set as Quicksilver for Age of Ultron.

But for now, I can’t help thinking that Marvel have a tough time ahead of them if they want to top the awesome power of X-men’s Quicksilver.

What did you think of Quicksilver’s powers? Will Marvel top it? Let me know your thoughts.